Ingredients: Premium Wagyu beef, onions, etc.

Instructions: Place fresh onions in a cast iron pan, add a pinch of salt, and sauté for 20 minutes until their natural sugars are fully released, creating a caramelized texture. Then, sear the selected premium Wagyu beef until it's about medium-rare, achieving a crispy, sealed surface, and slice it into appropriately sized pieces.

Scene 1: Highlighting the intricate textures of tableware with a simple, focused theme

An oval-shaped crispy French baguette, resembling a small boat carrying tender beef, floats on a blue ocean formed by hand-painted arabesque patterns. Since the plate’s design is already quite intricate, the food can be stacked upwards to avoid covering the beautiful motifs.

Plating Method

①Lightly toast the slices of bread and place them in the center of a round plate. Cover the bread with caramelized onions.

②Layer the sliced wagyu beef, placing it over the onions.

③Pile sesame leaves seasoned with scallion oil and black pepper on top of the beef slices. Shave aged Parmesan cheese into thin, paper-like strips using a peeler, and gently roll them into ribbon-like curls with your hands. Place these curls casually on top of the beef and sesame leaves.

Scene 2: Transforming the Heaviness of Ingredients with Transparent Tableware

Since beef typically has a rich and deep color, it often conveys a sense of heavy flavor. To visually present a lighter, more elegant style, you might consider using transparent tableware, which can alter the dish's traditional impression. The clear round plate itself evokes a bright and refreshing feel, allowing you to neatly arrange the ingredients separately, presenting them in a crisp, organized manner. You can add a touch of variety by using leafy greens and the rich color of the meat for decoration, and use molds to create height, making the bright plate surface appear even more lively.

Plating Method

①Place the bread slightly to the right on the plate. Position a round mold at the upper left side, fill it with sautéed onions, then remove the mold. Cover the cylindrical onion shape with arugula leaves.

②Layer the sliced beef one by one on top of the bread.

③Finally, tear the shaved Parmesan cheese into small pieces and casually place them over the beef. The dish is now complete.

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