Interested in making your very own commemorative plate? Below you’ll see step by step procedures which will lead you to the creation of your very own custom designed plate marking and setting your special occasion.
Visual Components
Visual components are very important when making a commemorative plate as this will depict the essence of your plate. A good visual component will show the reason for creating the plate without excess description and it’s also what draws attention to the plate.
Images and Graphics: Sometimes you don’t have to create completely unique designs for your plate, you can just get a template from the internet and then modify it to soothe your taste. A good image can make your plate appear very sophisticated while still displaying its original reason for being created. Your chosen image can be of a logo, pattern or even traditional symbols, just make sure that the reason you created the plate is not lost in the design.
Colour and Border Treatments: This design component, while not being as effective as the graphics chosen for your custom dinnerware, is still very important because it’ll complement your chosen image or primary design. Without the right border treatment and colour, anyone looking at your plate would be able to tell that the design is incomplete and missing something. Patterns at the border of your plate which complement the image in the middle and various traditional colours arranged carefully can serve as a very good form of this visual component.
Text Elements
While some commemorative plates only contain pictures, some are made up of texts and others are made up of a combination of the two (text and images). This all comes down to you and the type of event you want to get your plate for. When designing your plate with text elements, you should consider:
Typography and Layout: This includes the font, size and spacing of your text, you’ll need to pick a text layout that will be easily readable while still remaining stylish. There must be proper spacing, arrangement and the text must come to a balance with the images or other graphic elements you used to design your plate. If you can do this, about half of your work in text elements is done.
Message Composition: Next comes the content of your text, what are you writing about? This section is pretty easy as commemorative plates really do not require too much stories. A simple sentence showing the reason why you created the plate is good enough. You can write the name of the event you want to commemorate along with the date, the achievement you made that led you to form the plate and so on.
Design Process
After forming your graphic and text components, the next thing you’ll have to focus on is the design. Designing your plate is what will bring out the true beauty in it and also attract the eyes of your guests. Here are some design options for you:
Professional Collaboration: This is one of the best ways of getting your dream design into reality. Working with the tableware suppliers in this field will ensure you’re made aware of different design types which will suit your plate best. From there, you can join the design team to make your design, make simple adjustments and finally create a classy design you approve.
Production Timeline: After choosing your graphics and text components, you’ll have to wait for some weeks typically 4-6 for the production of your plate. The process is usually long because you’ll first have to get a good design then pick your desired material (crystal, metal or porcelain) after which the decoration is applied and then the finishing touches are applied. It’s best to give enough time so your plate can be done in the best quality. Make sure you place the plate creation order weeks before your event so that they’ll be ready when the day of the event comes.
Custom Artwork: To make your own designs, there are some options you can choose from. You can either pick existing templates and modify them, be creative and submit your very own designs or meet with artists to help you create your original artwork. Either one of these methods will help you create a very good design.
If you put all these factors to good use, balance the graphics and text content of your plate while choosing a very good material, you’re guaranteed to get a high quality commemorative plate. A good design will also go a long way in upgrading the level of your plate.
If you have any questions or need to custom dinnerware service, please contact our for the most thoughtful support!