Ingredients: French toast, strawberries, etc.

Method: Cut the grilled French toast in half, and quarter the strawberries to use for plating.

Scene 1: Expanding the visual appeal of the ingredients, diagonally emphasizing bold personality

Arrange the elements in a straight, linear sequence, boldly breaking the traditional boundaries of the round dish with a square base. This immediately gives the dessert a striking, bold character.

Plating Techniques

① Use raspberry coulis to create red diagonal lines, served with toast. Place strawberries at both ends of the sauce and add blueberries for a colorful garnish.

② Stack French toast strips, cut lengthwise, in a crisscross pattern to create height. Sprinkle with brown sugar powder, intersecting with the red lines.

③ Add an oval-shaped scoop of vanilla ice cream in the center to create a striking focal point on the plate.

Scene 2: A Ring of Red Sauce Highlights the Dessert

Stack fruit on top of the toast, and finish by drizzling sauce around the plate. The vibrant raspberry sauce forms a ring on a glossy ceramic dish, creating a lively, colorful impression of a delicious dessert!

Plating Techniques

① Place the halved French toast on a plate and layer the surface with horizontally sliced strawberries.

② Garnish one side with blueberries and sprinkle a bit of brown sugar around the plate to enhance the flavor. Place a scoop of ice cream beside the toast.

③ Finally, drizzle raspberry sauce in concentric circles from the center outward.

Plating tip: To keep items like ice cream from sliding on the plate, sprinkle a layer of breadcrumbs or powdered sugar at the base for stability, preventing the dish from shifting and spoiling the presentation.

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